Backyard Studios and Cabins Contribute to Affordable Housing
DreamDome Latest Design for Backyard Cabin or Tourist Cabin Kits We have added another design to our range of modular domes with the introduction of a 1.8m wide sliding door in our 5.0m diameter design. At just under 20m2, the internal bathroom and kitchen layout are still the same. Although our standard configuration lets plenty of light inside, the option of a wide glass sliding door makes it even more appealing especially if you have a view to take into consideration. We continue to design for the backyard cabin, studio and granny flat market in Australia. States that have removed some of the retrograde restrictive laws on how you can use granny flats have made a huge contribution to affordable housing. Millions of back yards could receive a secondary dwelling and if councils allow secondary dwellings to be rented it not only provides the property owner with great cash flow it also provides an affordable rental to someone who likely works nearby. Demand for Affordable Housing Needs Innovative Solutions Queensland and Victoria are dragging the retro chain. Their belligerence in modernizing the rules is just another [...]